Monday, July 18, 2011

mops, brooms, and mayhem

the staff at Niverville YFC prioritize relationship, NOT organization.

Okay, with that out of the way, here's a little slice of drop-in staff life.
With the addition of summer staff David, we are four young men charged with the responsibility of the drop-in ministry...and sadly one of those responsibilities is clean up. "Surprisingly" (that was sarcastic) this responsibility can fall to the wayside, and so out of our collaborated brilliant minds we came up with the plan to meet together at a designated time every week to share the load and complete this task.
Today was that day.
We will fight the dirt!
Now as epic as that sounds, disorganization can always defuse passion. What you may not have known is that the plan to attack TODAY was only made by 2 out of 4 staff, one of whom had forgot by the end of the weekend...and made plans with family. So 2 of us happened to show up on time, summer staff David wasn't even aware. 2 hours of scheduled time had passed, and no cleaning had started. Kids were knocking on the door, and calling to come and beat the heat and hang out with us.
Executive decision time!
We decided to use the drop-in's AC as leverage for our disorganized selves to get some help! A good handful of kids came in willingly on the condition that they clean for the use of the AC...and surprisingly no one was deterred (many were desperate out of boredom). Out came the mops, the brooms, the heavy lifting, and the mayhem! But the kids came through, and we were able to witness the summer boredom of teenagers be put to use! In hindsight, our disorganized relational framework somehow led to a clean drop-in centre!

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