Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a fire in the night

Most times I've heard or used the phrase "fire in the night," I'm referring to a prayer movement or revival that has to do with seeking God at night. But alas, now I'm referring to a literal, tangible fire that happened in Niverville last week. It burned down our local bakery, which happened to be the business that my (Mark) wife (Kristen) owned with her family, while my coworker and brother-in-law Eric's wife (Melodie) worked there as well.
The hit was hard.

But there is one thing in common with this fire and the prayer movements: they usher in something new. It's a tough time for us, Eric is saving up for his wife's maternity leave to have their baby this summer, and I was just about to make an offer to purchase a house (now likely rejected because of the loss of the business). As Eric and myself are hit with financial uncertainty and instability, we are called to press into God's CERTAINTY and STABILITY! It's a new kind of dependence on God, a new kind of relationship with Him and between us and our wives. And it's great because His is SO GOOD and His hands are HUGE! (though sometimes we don't feel like this is the case). So we're left to fundraise our salaries with YFC and rely on God's goodness to come through. Please pray for us!

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