Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Talking with our professional counselors with Turning Point the other day, we found out that Monday, January 17 was officially "Blue Monday." This day has been discovered to be the most depressing day of the year. Far enough away from the holiday, a Monday, middle of the month, and typically horrible weather (this year did not disappoint).

With this in mind, we do recognize that depression is so real to many around us, not just amongst the youth. We're so glad to have our counseling office right in our Centre, and we long for this ministry to be made more use of. Yet we also see in our lives a hope that cures depression. Proverbs says that "hope deferred makes the heart sick" (prv13) and us YFCers have a hope growing that God is doing something amazing in our hearts and in our community.

Myself, Gord, and Eric have all been going through a spiritual awakening to God's heart...the very direction He wants to take this youth ministry. We're seeing our lives changes, we're seeing lives being changed around us. The sense for us in leadership is that we are to wait on God more consistently (those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength - Is40), and let the big flair of youth ministry go if need be. He will make things happen, so we trust. And yet...He IS making things happen already!

We may have had a Blue Monday, but a Red Tuesday is dawning and He is calling us to come alongside what He is doing. Is there hope? HA HA HA...yes and amen!

Here's some pics I took at the Drop-In that I felt symbolizes the Blue Monday - Red Tuesday vision. They were taken recently, early on a cold, brisk, beautiful morning.

the light comes out of the darkness
and what a glorious light it is!
another contrast of light and darkness, taken from inside.

God bless!
Mark von Riesen

Friday, January 7, 2011


'twas the season NOT to be jolly?

I don't know about you, but to me Christmas can easily be filled with thoughts of happy families with stockings by the fire, egg nog, ugly sweaters and plum drops (?). Well it's probably not that ridiculous for you to hear me say that this isn't so for a lot of people. Or even to hear that this isn't the predominant feeling for MOST everyone during the "happy" holidays. Depression sky-rockets and moods intensify as "family" can conjure up all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings for many in our society.

This difficulty is especially prevalent in the youth culture that we're around at the Drop-In. Instead of being a warming refuge, family to many is a soil of hostility. Well it wasn't so different at the actual birth of Christ, as Jesus himself was sought after to be killed as a baby by Herod. The story is revealed in a more intense light as John reflects in the book of Revelation about the woman and the dragon, who waiting to devour her child when he was born (ch 12). Not getting his way, the dragon wages war on all her offspring - those who hold to Jesus.

The reality of the situation with us at Christmas is that there are HUGE undercurrents of this war going on that destroys hope, the family, and the realization of Christ. In December, we at YFC saw a work God was doing with us leaders and the youth, for a number of youth had come to their end of purpose in their lifestyles apart from God. This softening and revelation has been a long time coming for many youth, and we praise God as much time and prayer has be invested.

Over the holidays, this change in our youth faced some difficult set backs due to familiar surrounding that induce negative habits (same friends, same parties, dysfunctional families...etc.). Now we're in a new year, and the fight remains; the fight for transformation of hearts against the habits of distruction. The fight behind the scenes...against an unseen enemy. Your prayers are greatly coveted.

On a lighter note, we were able to celebrate Christmas in a positive light - with a place, party, and friends apart from the habits of destruction.

this year we featured a "candy fondu" for Christmas (don't worry, we provided lots of fruit to go with it - which was more popular anyway)