With this in mind, we do recognize that depression is so real to many around us, not just amongst the youth. We're so glad to have our counseling office right in our Centre, and we long for this ministry to be made more use of. Yet we also see in our lives a hope that cures depression. Proverbs says that "hope deferred makes the heart sick" (prv13) and us YFCers have a hope growing that God is doing something amazing in our hearts and in our community.
Myself, Gord, and Eric have all been going through a spiritual awakening to God's heart...the very direction He wants to take this youth ministry. We're seeing our lives changes, we're seeing lives being changed around us. The sense for us in leadership is that we are to wait on God more consistently (those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength - Is40), and let the big flair of youth ministry go if need be. He will make things happen, so we trust. And yet...He IS making things happen already!
We may have had a Blue Monday, but a Red Tuesday is dawning and He is calling us to come alongside what He is doing. Is there hope? HA HA HA...yes and amen!
Here's some pics I took at the Drop-In that I felt symbolizes the Blue Monday - Red Tuesday vision. They were taken recently, early on a cold, brisk, beautiful morning.